She was like the rest

but a scar running through her face.

She thought she was not alone

but there was lonely road to walk on.

Her face beamed like the morning sun

Only the mark, like craters

on a worn-out building.

Like the tip of the oldest landmark

broken with use

her spirits tumbled down.

The walls in her heart building high

The screams in her head, now diffused.

Her faith flickers like a strobe light

going high, coming low.

This scar would never leave her alone

following behind, every path she tread

And they would look at her

with disgust

Despise her with words of abuse.


She was like the rest

But she was different

She had only a scar on the face

They,  deep inside the soul.

PROMPT GIVEN BY WeDrinkBecauseWeArePoets Poetry Prompt#13 Scars

This week, I would like our topic to be Scars. I want you to write about them, be they physical or emotional, how they shaped you into what you are, how much do they affect you in your day to day lives. I want this poem that you write to be in comparisons to a City. It does not have to be a specific city that exists, more like a place.