Red, the bright dynamic one
reminds me of my first bruise
I fell off the swing and blood flowed
red as it was.

red, as the Santa outfit
daddy wore on christmas
I was crying, it cheered me up
Red as it was.

Red, as the pepper put extra,
In the soup made to say sorry
only making the matters worse
red as it was.

Red as the red-hot iron
took months to heal, the burn,
and red as my skin went
red as it was.

Red as my quilt
I always had as a child
When mom threw it away, my face,
red as it was.

red as the cover
of my favourite novel
which still makes me cry
red as it was.

Red as the stain
on newly bought curtains
and red as mum’s face, furious,
red as it was.

Red as the first smiley
I got as a kid
and red as the teacher’s pen
red as it was.

Red as the roses
on my birthday from a stranger
Red, the bright dynamic one
red as it is.