I Stand Tall: Speakeasy #166

 Father's Day

He taught me how to read people’s eyes

He always said to keep my head high

Others will put me down


I have to keep moving forward.

They will then stand and stare.

They will look with awe.

They will try to belittle me.

It’s me to fall down

but, to rise up again.


“Never give up”

“Don’t undermine yourself”

“You can do it”

“You have to do it”

“Just keep moving forward”

Some things he says,

I will never forget.

For when the world stops moving round,

I need to turn things around.


I stand tall in his eyes,

in the world, I walk with pride.

I never thank him for all he did

my father, who made me stand tall

with the first steps I took

and the steps I am still taking.