Leibster Award (by Anoop and Imabookworm)

After procrastinating it for so long, I am finally ready with this post that too, saying thanks to 2 bloggers in one post (Go on, call me lazy)


A Vote Of Gratitude:

Anoop at ‘Tranquil Yet Alive’ nominated me for this lovely award. It hasn’t been long since I followed his blog. But, in this short time I can say that he is a brilliant writer, a great person and a automobile-maniac. He has a great blog where he writes about many aspects of life, hobbies, and interests. One of my favourite post by him:  ‘Date A Man Who Rides A Bullet’. It actually tells about his deep passion for his bike. He has an amazing blog which you would not like to miss out on.

Imabookworm and Dragonspark at http://imab00kworm.wordpress.com/ nominated me for the Leibster Award. As always, it feels great to be nominated. Thank you so much guys for considering me 🙂 Both Imabookworm and Dragonspark are fabulous writers. They write both fiction and poetry. Some great post by them are  Mini-messy and Russian Snowflake.


  1. Thank the Liebster Award presenter who nominated you and link back to his or her blog. (Done)
  2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
  3. Nominate small (no more than 200 followers) blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know that they have been chosen.
  4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
  5. No tag-backs, meaning you can’t just re-nominate the person who nominated you.

Questions by Anoop:

1. Are you addicted to something? If yes, What? (other than alcohol, cigars and drugs)

No. And I would hate anybody who come in close proximity to these things especially cigars and drugs.

2. What does money mean to you? Why? (No one liners please)

Melinda Gates in an interview said, “From those to whom much is given, much is expected”
So yes, money is a big responsibility but also, a necessity.

3. What is your passion? What do you like to do the most apart from eating and sleeping?

Reading, writing, music, and imagining stuff. I would say that I dream a lot. Even if I know that those things are not going to happen, still it feel great to think about good possibilities.

4. What quality of your best friend/friends do you admire?

My best friend: She is a troublemaker. But, when she gets into trouble, she always has a way to get out of it. That’s the best thing about her. Apart for that, she has a great sense of humour and I always have a great time with her.

5. Have you ever felt guilty for doing something in life that keeps troubling you even now?

I don’t like to go on guilt-trips. If something’s already been done, there is no point in feeling guilty about stuff you can no more change.

6. What is that one good thing that you can proudly say to anyone about yourself, I mean a lesson from your life that people can learn?

There is a picture that inspires me whenever things aren’t going great. The quote sounds clichéd but whenever my friends read this, it does cheer them up a bit and it says: “This too shall pass”

7. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone? If yes what did you learn/admire / hate about being in a relationship?

No relationship so far and I don’t think I intend to have one in near future. I just hate that they don’t last.

8. Whom do you admire the most in your family? (Doesn’t need to be your parents or siblings, can be cousins or anyone in the family)

My sister: she is the best. Being the elder child, she suffered a lot of parental pressure but yet, she turned out to be a great person and a great sister. I admire her and I love her.

9. What kind of person are you? (Funny/humorous/serious/shy…….)

Honestly, I don’t know. My nature changes with the people I am with. With some, I am a crazy, funny, risk-taking girl. With stranger, I am completely serious. With people I know but I don’t really talk to, I am shy. So that’s all of them.

10. If you were given a chance to go out on a dinner with, Who would that lucky one be?

Enrique Iglesias. I love his music and I love his voice.

Dan Brown. I want to know how he comes up with such great ideas

11. Which is your favorite post from your blog? If I would insist that you pick one out of the lot. Which one would that be?

All of them are poems. So, I will choose one of the oldest poems from my blog ‘Red‘. It’s that like the best poem or anything. But, it’s one of the earliest and very close to heart. Also, I wrote it during studies for my maths exam (which, by the way, went awesome :P)

Questions by Imabookworm and Dragonspark

What’s a good book ending/ what’s the best book ending you’ve read?

There are many I would say. But this time I’ll go with ‘Angels and Demons’ by Dan Brown. I mean, with the last 100 pages I had such adrenaline rush going.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever done or that has ever happened to you?

Not that I can recall right now. It’s been a year since I started reading books again and in the past month I have read 12 books which feels great. And pretty interesting for me too.

What is/would be (if you had one) first on your bucket list?

I got a huge bucket list. But the first is pretty much to get into college. Once that is done, I can easily move on to other things like learn swimming, run a marathon, travel the world and it goes on.

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?

I would like to stop racism and sexism. It does sound preachy, but this is something which is destroying the lives of so many people.

What time period would you live in if you had the choice (“now” and “the future” are not valid answers) and why?

If in the past, I would go to the time of Adam and Eve, see how it’s like to be the first ever human race possible. In future, I want the time when we can actually record our dreams. It would be so cool to record all the weird stuff we imagine.

You’re stranded on a desert island with four books, two movies, and an album. What are they?

4 books: The fault in our stars (already read it twice, still can’t keep it down :P)

one book by each:  Dan Brown book, Khaled Hosseini, Harry Potter (i.e. JK Rowling)

I don’t think I would watch movies when I have books and music with me. But the movies I can say are Bandidas (I can watch it as many time as I can),  Knight and Day (One of the very few I have watched) or anything with Johnny Depp would do.

Album(s):  I just won’t agree with taking just one. You have got to understand, it’s a lonely island. So I would go with Night Vision by Imagine dragons, One of the boys by Katy Perry and any one by Enrique Iglesias.

If you could play any role in any movie, what would that role be and why?

There’s a movie ‘Bandidas’. It’s such a great movie. Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayak are riding horses, shooting, aiming knifes at people. Basically, everything I would love to do (not the stealing part though). Plus, I find the movie really funny.

You can go on a three week road trip. Where are you going and what’s your ride?

Europe. I have no idea if you can cover France, Switzerland, Italy in a single road trip. But, I would sure like to visit these places.

It’s the best day of your life. What happens?

If I have to imagine stuff it’ll be when I write a book, get it published and the book becomes a bestseller 😀

You are stranded on a desert island with a box (of any shape or size). What’s in the box? (The answer can’t be the same as the desert island question above

My phone, earphone and something for an internet connection. Yep, I am officially addicted to this stuff.

I figured you might have gotten tired with the “why do you blog?” (either DragonSpark too or he just didn’t think about it) but if you want to answer it as a bonus question feel free.

I started out as a random hear-me-out kind of approach. But, later I realized that maybe my poems have started to be a little meaningful.  So, now I blog to show my poems. Also, I get to stay in touch with some really cool people.

 And the award goes to:







Questions for the nominees:

1.What is your passion? What do you like to do the most apart from eating and sleeping?

2.What quality of your best friend/friends do you admire?

  1. Whom do you admire the most in your family?

  2. What is/would be (if you had one) first on your bucket list?

  3. You’re stranded on a desert island with four books, two movies, and an album. What are they?

  4. Which one book character you would want to be like?

  5. You are stranded on a desert island with a box (of any shape or size). What’s in the box? (The answer can’t be the same as the desert island question above

  6. Pick a favourite lyrics from a song.

9. What was the last movie or TV show that made you laugh out loud?

  1. Is there anything that you just don’t get? (E.g. “I just don’t get video games/Twitter/… I mean what’s that all about?!”)

11 . Which is your favorite post from your blog? If I would insist that you pick one out of the lot. Which one would that be?

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award:


I love this award and especially the person who has nominated me for this: Asmita  http://asmithaaa.wordpress.com/

She is a wonderful soul. One of her best work is right here:

She was small
Engaged me for quite long.
She was pretty
In her misty beauty.
Bright color,
on her unfurl petal,
Gave me a mesmerizing swing,
Which pulled me out from a gloomy wing!!!!


To read some more of her amazing works do visit her blog.

Now for the nomination:

I have already received this award before so I will not particularly nominate 10 people, instead everyone who reads my blog gets this award. Have a great day 🙂

Awards and more Awards:

sunshine-award2 versatile

So finally am I writing this post. I have been procrastinating about this for so long. But now I think it’s finally time. Okay, first of all I would like to give  a big-big thanks to Aiman Peer at From Dusk to Dawn for nominating me for Sunshine Award and The Versatile Blogger Award. She is a beautiful soul. In her blog she actually talks about stuff that matters through prose and poetry. Since, I am a poetry fanatic, here is a beautiful poem by her:

Today the whole world seems so dull

It haunts me like a dead man’s skull;

Roads part and so do the partners

All that remains is the echoing lost wonders;

This life, unimpaired, goes so long

But to my ears it is a foolish, boring song;

What the hell on this earth can sooth me?

When my own little soul isn’t content with me;

Look at me; do you know who I am?

Yes indeed a glass which has suffered a ram;

Words don’t fill my world with meaning

It is all in the pain that these keep containing;

You laugh at my vanished state

Just to live a life I was so late;

Controlling all those cries I cry silently

And to the earth my hope falls violently;

Just slipping sand in my hand

And a grave as a personal piece of land…..

To read some more, do check out her blog: http://aimanpeer.wordpress.com/

 The Rules:

  • Answer 10 questions
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate at least 10 deserving bloggers
  • Place the award somewhere on your blog

But yes, you can be a rule-breaker and just a little gratitude and I am good to go 🙂

10 Questions:

  1. Favorite Food: anything spicy especially the one my mum cooks
  2. Favorite Actor: I don’t really watch movies but if I have to say then Johnny Depp
  3. Favorite TV show: How I met your mother, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy. Basically Star World
  4. Favorite Tear-Jerker:  Don’t even know
  5. Favorite Sport: Football, volleyball
  6. Lucky Number: The number which would probably get me a million dollar (basically which doesn’t exist :D)
  7. Tea or Coffee: Coffee all the way
  8. Holidays: Every holiday
  9. Twitter or Facebook: Don’t like any of them
  10. Favorite Christmas movie: sorry, not a movie freak

My Nominations:








P.S.: I am like super-bored right now so I had enough time to create this post. You don’t have to if you are too busy. Just a ‘thanks’ would be enough 😀

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award



I am quite late in thanking Risty at createthissimple for honoring me with this award. She is a really nice and sweet and a great friend in my blogging world. She does some beautiful photography which you do not want to miss.


The rules are simple : just give the award to all the people you wish to (at least 14); mention the person who gave it to you and  don’t forget to include a picture of the Award! Thank you.















Thank you so much guys. You truly are wonderful 🙂



The Liebster Award, yet again :D

I got the Liebster  Award for the second time. Thanks to Baldeep Kaur at Inspiring Evolution for nominating me . As the name of her blog suggests, she did really inspire me. You have to check out her blog.


The rules for this award are:

  1.  Provide 11 personal facts .
  2. Answer the 11 nominator questions.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers that have inspired you and ask them 11 nominator questions.

11 Random facts about me:

  1. I have a big bucket list. There are so many things to learn (swimming, cycling, driving, a new language…….), and so many books to read which I will be starting with pretty soon once I get into a good college.

  2. I love chocolates. It can be any form- the normal chocolate, cakes, brownies, mousse, cupcakes, shakes………basically anything fattening.

  3. I am kind of scared of eyes. Not the human eye. It’s the animal eye that freaks me out. I mean they just have an eyeball, no sclera.  So you can’t tell where they are looking. Plus, you don’t even know if they’re in a mood to attack or they’re just looking at you with love.

  4. I love water. Drinking it, bathing in it, swimming (maybe, haven’t learnt it yet :P) or maybe just watching it. It’s just feels so deep and blue and royal.

  5. I love birthdays. Be it’s my own or someone else’s. And the best part about birthdays is planning them.

  6.  I eat all vegetable but if there’s one thing I cannot stand is eggplant (brinjal). They are just so slimy and yucky when cooked.

  7.  I am going to be 18 in less than four months 😀 (And the countdown begins)

  8. I learnt a little French 2 years back. So for once I want to visit Paris and see if my knowledge is any good. Also, I like the  Eiffel Tower. But, not in a gooey-romantic way. I always thought of it as a huge pillar with beautiful lighting but when I was learning French, they taught us that it has restaurants and many other stuff too. So, basically it’s not just a structure wasting space but, instead, it’s being put to good use.

  9.  I wrote my first poem in when I was 10. It was in Hindi. Then I wrote a few in English which are way too embarrassing to show.  But after that I took a long break and didn’t write for 3-4 years. I started writing again this year in January.

  10. I listen to music. I like music. I love music. I can’t live without music. And I can listen to any kind of music, just the lyrics have to be good.

  11. I love football. It is like the best team sport ever. It’s just I don’t get much time to follow it.


Now the questions that she asked:

  • Why do you blog or write?

When I came here, it was a great stress buster. Seeing that people were going through the same hell (just different devils), it felt like I am not alone. Now, blogging is a way I can show my poetry to the world and have some constructive criticism on them.

  •  The biggest challenge you faced in your life and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge: staying alive. I am not saying it in a suicidal way but if you’re alive every day’s a challenge, you just have to decide which way you want to take it. It all depends on if you want to let even a little stupid problem destroy you or you want to jump over the obstacles and  move forward.

  • If money didn’t matter, what profession would you choose?

I would read all day and later blog about what I read! Or maybe, I would become a scuba diving instructor.

  •  Your most regretful moment.

I left that path long ago. Regretting is like wasting your time (not to mention your precious emotions) over something you can’t change. Stop regretting, start accepting.

  • What does success mean to you?

I read somewhere: “Success is a moving target. I don’t think we ever achieve “it”, at least in our own minds. But I do know this, if you think you have achieved your greatest success you clearly have decided to stop pushing yourself.” This speaks for itself.

  • 3 Things you cannot live without.
  1. My cellphone  with earphones 2. Internet connection 3. A water bottle
  • What money means to you?

A necessity if in the right amount but can be really hazardous if in excess.

  •  What do you know about God? Do you think there is a God? If not, what is logical reason for being an atheist?

I thank him when something good happens and curse him (like really cursing) when things don’t go my way. I don’t believe in religion or idol worshipping. I mean, of course I celebrate festivals with great zeal but in the end it all comes down to a supreme power. So maybe God exists but religion doesn’t.

  • If you could go back in time and change one moment in your life, what would it be?

Again I say, I don’t like to regret. It happened with me, it was a part of me. And I cannot change it. So it would be nothing.

  • What is your dream holiday destination?

I would not like to settle for anything less than a world tour 😛 but, if I had to choose it would be anywhere near water- seas, oceans, beaches.

  • Do you think life is unfair?

Nope. It all depends on your perspective.

Now the nominees are:

  1. http://nuttymandal93.wordpress.com/
  2. http://pranitapatra.wordpress.com/
  3. http://lettheballoonssailmeaway.wordpress.com/
  4. http://wordrustling.wordpress.com/
  5. http://ajumpinggene.wordpress.com/
  6. http://selcouthparacosm.wordpress.com/
  7. http://rockandrollsupermom.wordpress.com/
  8. http://sc0pic.wordpress.com/
  9. http://touchofcinnamon.com/
  10. http://perx.wordpress.com/
  11. http://uditapal.wordpress.com/


  1. What are three things you cannot live without?
  2. What is the one thing you are looking forward to doing this year?
  3. Cats or dogs? Why?
  4. Currently the song in your playlist you listen to over and over again?
  5. Which is your favourite quote? (there might be many, I just need one)
  6. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
  7. What is your favorite post that you’ve written? (Please provide link!)
  8. How did you pick your blog’s name?
  9. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-​​year-​​old self?
  10. Which blogger do you admire the most?
  11. What is better: Spicy or sweet?

Take your time. Answer the questions, nominate some other bloggers and provide me the link once you’ve posted. Lastly, Congratulations 🙂









It just made my day. Thank you so much naptimethoughts http://naptimethoughts.com/ for nominating me for the award and thank you for considering me worthy of it.  I feel like I am on cloud nine!

For those of you don’t know what this award means:

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

For this Leibster:

1. Please thank and link back to the persons’ blog who nominated you for this award in your gracious acceptance speech.
2. Please answer the questions I have written especially for you.
3. Nominate some folks of your own. Pick a number, any number of bloggers you feel are deserving of the award. Especially new bloggers, or bloggers who just didn’t get this one yet. Take the time to check out their pages and be considerate.
4. Make up some questions for them to answer and feel free to be creative.
5. Notify your winners, and click post. Voila!


For this award we’ll make the theme:
“Which of your followers would? (And why?)”
Please provide a link to the page of whichever follower serves as your answer. Have fun!

1. If something horrible happened to you, and you lay bleeding on the side of the road, which of your followers would:use their hands, feet and face to staunch the bleeding?

http://cupitonians.wordpress.com/  She is awesome! She always reads my posts. 🙂

2. step gingerly over the pools of your blood and stand by your side while the paramedics came?

http://kayseydee.wordpress.com/ totally random but I think he is a good guy.

3. run to your aid while writing a post on what’s happening at the same time?

http://hopeharbourforthesoul.wordpress.com/  because she writes inspired on everyday incidents

4. reach into their mom purse and have everything she needed to treat your injuries on the spot?

http://journey2medblog.wordpress.com/ because she is a doctor!


1.  http://keshuvko.wordpress.com/

2. http://journey2medblog.wordpress.com/

3. http://megansure.wordpress.com/

4.  http://tramblingpoetry.wordpress.com/

5. http://kayseydee.wordpress.com/

6. http://samanthaspontaneous.wordpress.com/

7. http://elephantunderthebus.wordpress.com/

8. http://yourfriend325.wordpress.com/

9. http://hopeharbourforthesoul.wordpress.com/

10. http://prasannakcreations.wordpress.com/

11. http://heyydm.wordpress.com/

{If I have nominated someone who has more than 200 followers,  accept the fact that you are awesome :)}


  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is something this year that you are really looking forward to?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do to unwind? (except blogging)
  4. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
  5. What is your favorite post you’ve read?
  6. One thing you are seriously horrible at?
  7. Paste one of your favorite picture (it doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be people).
  8. Something you just can’t eat.
  9. Your favorite book.
  10. Your favorite music artist and a favorite song.
  11. Cats or dogs?

Enjoy the award. And do tell me when you have answered the questions.