Changes I want
if I ruled the world
Universe is what I will go for
The sun and stars would be together
when the moon would not wait
for the sun to sleep,
independent it would live
playing in the galaxy.
The butterfly flapping it’s wings
will make it rain
cloud in the sky
will dance insane
the pattern they’ll create
wizards, witches, smileys and faces
and earth will win the planets’ races
Jupiter would shrink
Saturn will lose its rings
Pluto will be a giant
back in the planets’ list.
I will live above all
string attached to the planet
dancing around me like puppets.
If I ruled the world
there will be lot a ruckus
So prepare yourself,
as I try to change the world.  😀

The Daily Prompt : If I ruled the world– You’ve been given superpowers to change one law of nature. How do you use it?


THE BOOKSTORE (Shadorma & Elfje)

A bookstore
daughter shakes mum’s hand
“Look mama
Peter Pan”
So, they open the doors of
the great hall of books

enjoyable tranquility
sudden unique atmosphere
So many books to

The daughter
opening the book
a little
taking in
intoxicating smell of
her enthralling book.

Poetry Prompt by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie: Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt #7

The Liebster Award, yet again :D

I got the Liebster  Award for the second time. Thanks to Baldeep Kaur at Inspiring Evolution for nominating me . As the name of her blog suggests, she did really inspire me. You have to check out her blog.


The rules for this award are:

  1.  Provide 11 personal facts .
  2. Answer the 11 nominator questions.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers that have inspired you and ask them 11 nominator questions.

11 Random facts about me:

  1. I have a big bucket list. There are so many things to learn (swimming, cycling, driving, a new language…….), and so many books to read which I will be starting with pretty soon once I get into a good college.

  2. I love chocolates. It can be any form- the normal chocolate, cakes, brownies, mousse, cupcakes, shakes………basically anything fattening.

  3. I am kind of scared of eyes. Not the human eye. It’s the animal eye that freaks me out. I mean they just have an eyeball, no sclera.  So you can’t tell where they are looking. Plus, you don’t even know if they’re in a mood to attack or they’re just looking at you with love.

  4. I love water. Drinking it, bathing in it, swimming (maybe, haven’t learnt it yet :P) or maybe just watching it. It’s just feels so deep and blue and royal.

  5. I love birthdays. Be it’s my own or someone else’s. And the best part about birthdays is planning them.

  6.  I eat all vegetable but if there’s one thing I cannot stand is eggplant (brinjal). They are just so slimy and yucky when cooked.

  7.  I am going to be 18 in less than four months 😀 (And the countdown begins)

  8. I learnt a little French 2 years back. So for once I want to visit Paris and see if my knowledge is any good. Also, I like the  Eiffel Tower. But, not in a gooey-romantic way. I always thought of it as a huge pillar with beautiful lighting but when I was learning French, they taught us that it has restaurants and many other stuff too. So, basically it’s not just a structure wasting space but, instead, it’s being put to good use.

  9.  I wrote my first poem in when I was 10. It was in Hindi. Then I wrote a few in English which are way too embarrassing to show.  But after that I took a long break and didn’t write for 3-4 years. I started writing again this year in January.

  10. I listen to music. I like music. I love music. I can’t live without music. And I can listen to any kind of music, just the lyrics have to be good.

  11. I love football. It is like the best team sport ever. It’s just I don’t get much time to follow it.


Now the questions that she asked:

  • Why do you blog or write?

When I came here, it was a great stress buster. Seeing that people were going through the same hell (just different devils), it felt like I am not alone. Now, blogging is a way I can show my poetry to the world and have some constructive criticism on them.

  •  The biggest challenge you faced in your life and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge: staying alive. I am not saying it in a suicidal way but if you’re alive every day’s a challenge, you just have to decide which way you want to take it. It all depends on if you want to let even a little stupid problem destroy you or you want to jump over the obstacles and  move forward.

  • If money didn’t matter, what profession would you choose?

I would read all day and later blog about what I read! Or maybe, I would become a scuba diving instructor.

  •  Your most regretful moment.

I left that path long ago. Regretting is like wasting your time (not to mention your precious emotions) over something you can’t change. Stop regretting, start accepting.

  • What does success mean to you?

I read somewhere: “Success is a moving target. I don’t think we ever achieve “it”, at least in our own minds. But I do know this, if you think you have achieved your greatest success you clearly have decided to stop pushing yourself.” This speaks for itself.

  • 3 Things you cannot live without.
  1. My cellphone  with earphones 2. Internet connection 3. A water bottle
  • What money means to you?

A necessity if in the right amount but can be really hazardous if in excess.

  •  What do you know about God? Do you think there is a God? If not, what is logical reason for being an atheist?

I thank him when something good happens and curse him (like really cursing) when things don’t go my way. I don’t believe in religion or idol worshipping. I mean, of course I celebrate festivals with great zeal but in the end it all comes down to a supreme power. So maybe God exists but religion doesn’t.

  • If you could go back in time and change one moment in your life, what would it be?

Again I say, I don’t like to regret. It happened with me, it was a part of me. And I cannot change it. So it would be nothing.

  • What is your dream holiday destination?

I would not like to settle for anything less than a world tour 😛 but, if I had to choose it would be anywhere near water- seas, oceans, beaches.

  • Do you think life is unfair?

Nope. It all depends on your perspective.

Now the nominees are:



  1. What are three things you cannot live without?
  2. What is the one thing you are looking forward to doing this year?
  3. Cats or dogs? Why?
  4. Currently the song in your playlist you listen to over and over again?
  5. Which is your favourite quote? (there might be many, I just need one)
  6. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
  7. What is your favorite post that you’ve written? (Please provide link!)
  8. How did you pick your blog’s name?
  9. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-​​year-​​old self?
  10. Which blogger do you admire the most?
  11. What is better: Spicy or sweet?

Take your time. Answer the questions, nominate some other bloggers and provide me the link once you’ve posted. Lastly, Congratulations 🙂








Alex Alemony

Alex Alemony

Her reflection on the window

She knows not how she looks so calm

the dove beckons her

peaceful he believes she is

just like itself

pure, white, serene


Inside this calm attire,

a raging fire.

Stripped of identity

searching for a hopeful reality

Need to unleash.

this glass she would break free

to find who she is

outside this window.

Photo prompt by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Photo Challenge #7 The Dove


HOURGLASS: Going Obsolete

Hourglass by Emilie leger @deviantART

Hourglass by Emilie leger @deviantART

Gone are the days of the hourglass
when one little thing kept track of time
no seconds, no minutes, no hands
just pure, earthly sand.

Gone are the days of people
people who can’t read or write
like my grandmother, who for time
hourglass on which she would rely

Yet, at times are the days of a chess game
where time is told without a whine
no distracting ticks, no alarming alarms
only silently playing it’s charm.

Now my mini-hourglass
does sit on my bedside table
but it’s lost the race with modernity
as I look above at my wall clock.



Of all the technologies that have gone extinct, which one do you miss the most?


It’s been almost 2 months on WordPress.500 likes, 125 followers, and my 51st post 🙂 You might think I am crazy but I like to keep score 😛 Now I think it’s time you know the real me. So, my name is Abhilasha. I am from India as you already know. ‘Abhilasha’ is a hindu name which mean wish\hope\desire. And as the name suggests, I have a lot of wishes! But I believe having some little wishes is what keeps a person going on in life.

When I first started this blog I had no idea it was going to be about poetry. I suck at writing fiction and I only wanted this blog as a stress buster.I would only write about loneliness, and silence and everything but you guys taught me that there is stuff beyond that. And I realised if there is anything related to writing I can do, is writing poems.

I have tried to expand my horizon, when it comes to poetry, I learned many new writing styles: Shadorma, haiku, tanka, elfje, sonnet, triversen, shayari etc.

I took part in the national poetry month. This was such an overwhelming experience. Because yes, I made it. 3o days, 30 poems 😀

I have enjoyed this journey, no matter how short it’s been but it gave me the confidence and it gave me the chance to explore ‘me’. Now I know that yeah, I can do a little poetry.


Not a beachside view, but the only picture I had of a perfect sunrise.

Not a beachside view, but the only picture I had of a perfect sunrise.

A tangerine hue
red ball hanging in the sky
pelicans flying.

Never having gone to see the waters, the only perfect morning I can dream of is opening my eyes to the sunrise above the ocean and catching every moment as it happens. Sitting on the beach collecting seashells off the shore, I would watch the sun rise from the sea as I sit on the cool sand. With a reddish hue in the sky and a pink glow on my cheeks, I would watch it with my eyes wide open till I can’t anymore.

Sunrise at the beach
arms wide open to embrace
morning I dream of.

Prompt Given by: We drink Because We’re Poets

I want you to write an ode to Mornings. The best one you ever had, the ideal one you dream off, anything goes.

Also the ‘Haibun’ is inspired from their story prompt by We Drink Because we’re poets and Blog it or Lose it.

The MOON GARDEN: A Triversen

the-moon-garden (2)

Smile, oh dear, smile
for the angels have arrived
showering upon you your wishes.

Hail the fairies
as they descend quietly
into your little garden.

Your wishes will be granted,
oh little ones
the tooth fairy is finally here.

For the youth yearning love
here comes the angel
bringing along love and lust.

Hope will be at your side
as desires will be fulfilled
as you enter the moon garden.

It’s a magical place
sans despair, only moonlight,
welcoming to your lovely paradise.

Photo Prompt by Mindelovemisery’s Menagerie


Every morning may not be beautiful
The sun might not rise
hidden deep between the clouds
But, I believe
there will be a moon at night
among the bright, shimmering stars
And I will stand underneath
counting my million Reasons to Believe.
I have learnt to dance in the rain
Because I Believe
life will show a rainbow
with the seven colours I need
beautifully fused together
every colour, like a smile,
one at a time.
I might have to believe
a piece of life missing
But, I choose to believe
a piece not fit to complete the puzzle.
Every moment I lose out on faith
Another moment makes me believe again
If you want to make it work
believing is all it takes.

Prompt given by The Daily Post

RAY OF HOPE (Shadorma and Elfje)

threshold © g.s.koch

threshold © g.s.koch

is disillusioned
by darkness,
phobia of night that bring
repressed emotions.

this labyrinth
ray of hope
sunshine makes you feel

The maze ends
with enlightenment
cherished glow
Don’t be scared
this night soon ends bringing you
the glorious sun.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 30]

Prompt given by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie:

Bastet’s Shadorma Photo prompt #5: create a poem consisting of two shadorma divided by an elfje

Loyalty: Chuujitsu


In the deep dark forest
rustling leaves in the midnight air
he approaches, Shouji, the yojimbo
a very sharp katana in hand.
This time Shouji comes
to hail the Kamis
in this journey of death
with his callous hands.
He has the orders:
Leave no one.
Trust no one.
This journey is of betrayal.
Betray the Kamis.
It is his test of loyalty, for Shouji
choose the Gods or the Boss
With him in the Boss’ palms of hands,
the Boss is the new God.
He struggles with contention to stay loyal
penitent towards the greater good,
The Kami.
Call of the conscience strikes.
Now Takumi has to take the leap
a leap for the mankind.
He has to choose
Blood or peace.
With an eye on the target
his blood pumping hot
he aims the katana
only to stab himself in the stomach
The blood seems peaceful now,
he saved them all.

[NaPowriMo 2014 poem 29]

Wordle Prompt by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie

HINDI POETRY#3: AANKHEIN (Eyes (eng translation))

Jab dhadka ye dil
jab thehri ye aahein
jab thami ye saansein
tab aaya dil ko khayaal
nam thi ye aankhein.
Aankhein thi khul
neend bhi nahin kar sakti thi band
par nam thi ye aankhein
aansun palkon par aakar the ruke
junoon tha, bass kahin gum tha
palkon mein sirf neendein thi chupi.
Ye dari dari sehmi si meri aankhein
talaash rahi thi ek mukaam
jahan raat ka andhera na ho
din ka sooraj hi dikhe.
Aankhon ki iss guftagu mein
kahin dil kho gaya tha
hum jaag rahe the
aur need so gayi thi.

जब धड़का ये दिल
जब ठेहरी ये आहें
जब थमी ये साँसें
तब आया दिल को खयाल
नम थी ये आँखें.
आँखें थी खुली
नींद भी नहीं कर सकती थी बंद
पर नम थी ये आँखें
आँसू पलकों पर आकर थे रुके
जुनून था, बस कहीं गुम था
पलकों में सिर्फ नींदें थी छुपी.
ये डरी डरी सेहमी सी मेरी आँखें
तलाश रही थी एक मुकाम
जहां रात का अंधेरा ना हो
दिन का सूरज ही दिखे.
आँखों की इस गुफ्तगू में
कहीं दिल खो गया था
हम जाग रहे थे
और नींद सो गयी थी.


When this heart beats
When the senses got numb
when my breathing stopped
The heart came to think of you
The eyes were moist.
My eyes were open
even sleep couldn’t shut them
only the eyes were wet.
Tears coming to my eyes were stopped
Passion, that was much missing
Only sleep was hidden in these eyes
These scared eyes
were looking for the place
a place with no darkness
only the morning sunlight
In these secret whispers
the heart was lost somewhere
I was awake
and sleep was sleeping.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 28]

SING ME A MELODY (chain verse)

Sing me a melody
melody of your dreams
dreams you dream wide awake
awake with open eyes
eyes that tell nothing but truth
truth about your life
life you clearly love
love it like the moon
Moon with the brightest glare
glaring from the window
window of infinite opportunities
opportunities that knock on your door
door that locked them out
out to shut your dreams in
in the closet of your mind
mind where they lost the way
way to make you smile
smile you have when you sing
sing me a melody
melody of your dreams.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 27]


I expected too much from expectations when I

forgot expectations have to hurt like hell. I

expect the expectation to not to kill me

inside but, except living up to it,

it expects me to not to ever

expect. I tried living life

expectation-free and

found all the joy

I could ever



this is

how life goes

on, you expect

the expected, you

will get the unexpected

So stop expecting and start

living the life expectation-free.

And the world will be at your feet

just because you did not expect it to.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 26]


Woodcut illustration (1919) of the young lovers from Gottfried Keller’s original story, which became Delius’s opera A Village Romeo and Juliet.

Woodcut illustration (1919) of the young lovers from Gottfried Keller’s original story, which became Delius’s opera A Village Romeo and Juliet.

All young hearts beating
and the cliched love at first sight
sets its foot again
is it the kids getting young
or a paradox of love

love passionately
kids sitting next to a rock
her hands on his heart
first kiss, first tender touch
love strikes yet again deeply.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 25]

Done for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Heeding Haiku with HA




I was once like these pages
going with the flow of the wind
drifting to any direction
forever, pouring my content out.
But now,
these pages look pale
they had the colour of the peaceful dove
now turned dusky yellow
lowering on me the dawn of my life.

It’s time
to let it go
to speed up my paper train
push it down the mountain
to not to go with the flow.
All the wicked demons
all the bad omens
packed between these pages
bound in the cage
free of my soul.
Now it’s time to take a fresh page
to build a new paper train.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 24]

Done for Mindelovemisery’s Menagerie photo challenge #5

HINDI POETRY : Mere Armaan

chote chote mere armaan
chote chote lamhon mein muskaan

har mod pe kar rahi hain zindagi intazaar
Chahati hun jana chand ke uss paar
iss bandhi dor ko chhode kahin aur

har lamha khul k jeene ki chah mujhe
khwahishon k samundar mein doobna hai
In palkon mein neendein hi nahin
sapne chupaye bhi hazaaron
bass unn sapnon ko poora karna hai.

har gam ko khushi se chupaya
har dard ko hans ke tala
har zakhm ki dawa khud bankar
marham khud hi lagaya hai

Ab in bandishon ko todd kar
bas manzil ki taraf hai badhna
chalna shure kar diya
ab khud se bhi na darna.

chote chote mere armaan
chote chote lamhon mein muskaan.


छोटे छोटे मेरे अरमान
छोटे छोटे लम्हों में मुस्कान

हर मोड़ पे कर रही है ज़िंदगी इंतज़ार
चाहती हुँ जाना चांद के उस पार
इस बँधी डोर को छोड़े कहीं और

हर लम्हा खुल के जीने की चाह मुझे
ख्वाहिशों के समुंदर में डूबना है
इन पलकों में नींदें ही नहीं
सपने छुपाए भी हज़ारों
बस उन सपनों को पूरा करना है

हर गम को खुशी से छुपाया
हर दर्द को हंस के टाला
हर ज़ख्म की दवा खुद बनकर
मरहम खुद ही लगाया है

अब इन बंदिशों को तोड़ कर
बस मंज़िल की तरफ है बढ़ना
चलना शुरू कर दिया
अब खुद से भी ना डरना.

छोटे छोटे मेरे अरमान
छोटे छोटे लम्हों में मुस्कान.

English Translation:

My little desires
I find happiness in all the little moments
with every bent in the road
happiness awaits
I desire to travel to the moon
leaving this chains behind.

I want to travel to the moon
want to swim in the ocean of aspirations
There is not just sleep in these eyes,
there are dreams too
Just have to accomplish these dreams9.

I’ve hid all sorrows with happiness
all the pains with a smile
every wound I’ve treated on my own
becoming the self-treating medicine.

Now, I have to break these fences
and work towards my goal
I have started this journey
and won’t be stopped even from my soul.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 23]