I Stand Tall: Speakeasy #166

 Father's Day

He taught me how to read people’s eyes

He always said to keep my head high

Others will put me down


I have to keep moving forward.

They will then stand and stare.

They will look with awe.

They will try to belittle me.

It’s me to fall down

but, to rise up again.


“Never give up”

“Don’t undermine yourself”

“You can do it”

“You have to do it”

“Just keep moving forward”

Some things he says,

I will never forget.

For when the world stops moving round,

I need to turn things around.


I stand tall in his eyes,

in the world, I walk with pride.

I never thank him for all he did

my father, who made me stand tall

with the first steps I took

and the steps I am still taking.

Gifts (Shadorma, Elfje, Tilus)


Handmade gifts
a token of love
Beads, paper,
stars, glitter
The contagious smell of glue
my nose can still smell.

receiving end,
I loved the
smile on their faces

These gifts said simply what
I could not:

Prompt by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Shadorma Photo prompt #12 Treasures by Bastet



The sound of love he kept in his heart

He knew this sound, he will have to depart

With the lucky bracelet of her to him

In the depths of her memory, he will swim.


Hearts intertwined with the chain of love

He would look for her in the stars above

And in the brightest star that shines

He could always see her smile.

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award:


I love this award and especially the person who has nominated me for this: Asmita  http://asmithaaa.wordpress.com/

She is a wonderful soul. One of her best work is right here:

She was small
Engaged me for quite long.
She was pretty
In her misty beauty.
Bright color,
on her unfurl petal,
Gave me a mesmerizing swing,
Which pulled me out from a gloomy wing!!!!


To read some more of her amazing works do visit her blog.

Now for the nomination:

I have already received this award before so I will not particularly nominate 10 people, instead everyone who reads my blog gets this award. Have a great day 🙂

Awards and more Awards:

sunshine-award2 versatile

So finally am I writing this post. I have been procrastinating about this for so long. But now I think it’s finally time. Okay, first of all I would like to give  a big-big thanks to Aiman Peer at From Dusk to Dawn for nominating me for Sunshine Award and The Versatile Blogger Award. She is a beautiful soul. In her blog she actually talks about stuff that matters through prose and poetry. Since, I am a poetry fanatic, here is a beautiful poem by her:

Today the whole world seems so dull

It haunts me like a dead man’s skull;

Roads part and so do the partners

All that remains is the echoing lost wonders;

This life, unimpaired, goes so long

But to my ears it is a foolish, boring song;

What the hell on this earth can sooth me?

When my own little soul isn’t content with me;

Look at me; do you know who I am?

Yes indeed a glass which has suffered a ram;

Words don’t fill my world with meaning

It is all in the pain that these keep containing;

You laugh at my vanished state

Just to live a life I was so late;

Controlling all those cries I cry silently

And to the earth my hope falls violently;

Just slipping sand in my hand

And a grave as a personal piece of land…..

To read some more, do check out her blog: http://aimanpeer.wordpress.com/

 The Rules:

  • Answer 10 questions
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate at least 10 deserving bloggers
  • Place the award somewhere on your blog

But yes, you can be a rule-breaker and just a little gratitude and I am good to go 🙂

10 Questions:

  1. Favorite Food: anything spicy especially the one my mum cooks
  2. Favorite Actor: I don’t really watch movies but if I have to say then Johnny Depp
  3. Favorite TV show: How I met your mother, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy. Basically Star World
  4. Favorite Tear-Jerker:  Don’t even know
  5. Favorite Sport: Football, volleyball
  6. Lucky Number: The number which would probably get me a million dollar (basically which doesn’t exist :D)
  7. Tea or Coffee: Coffee all the way
  8. Holidays: Every holiday
  9. Twitter or Facebook: Don’t like any of them
  10. Favorite Christmas movie: sorry, not a movie freak

My Nominations:








P.S.: I am like super-bored right now so I had enough time to create this post. You don’t have to if you are too busy. Just a ‘thanks’ would be enough 😀


She was like the rest

but a scar running through her face.

She thought she was not alone

but there was lonely road to walk on.

Her face beamed like the morning sun

Only the mark, like craters

on a worn-out building.

Like the tip of the oldest landmark

broken with use

her spirits tumbled down.

The walls in her heart building high

The screams in her head, now diffused.

Her faith flickers like a strobe light

going high, coming low.

This scar would never leave her alone

following behind, every path she tread

And they would look at her

with disgust

Despise her with words of abuse.


She was like the rest

But she was different

She had only a scar on the face

They,  deep inside the soul.

PROMPT GIVEN BY WeDrinkBecauseWeArePoets Poetry Prompt#13 Scars

This week, I would like our topic to be Scars. I want you to write about them, be they physical or emotional, how they shaped you into what you are, how much do they affect you in your day to day lives. I want this poem that you write to be in comparisons to a City. It does not have to be a specific city that exists, more like a place.



Smile by bethel1113 @deviantART

Smile by bethel1113 @deviantART

I was happy

thought of passing it on-

my gaiety

my euphoria

my optimism

It’s contagious, I think,

spread and it spreads.

I was happy today

kick-started the day with a smile

passed it on for miles

there was joy in their smiles

there was hope in their eyes

the night was happy as the day

I think I made someone smile today.


Sometime she looked for fishes among clouds
sometimes she would see wizards and witches
her mountains, her oceans all reside there
superficial as her own self became.

There were times she saw mother’s loving hands
spread wide, trying to drape her underneath
hazing illusions is what she searched for,
a flickered happiness in the vapour.

Stuck in this unfathomable abyss
she searched all her life a place to fly to,
noise loud enough to break sound of silence,
place far away to never return from.

This sky was her escape from that grim past
clouding on her with the dark solitude
moving apart, making way for sunshine
but whatever it was, it was her sky.

Pooky’s Prompt : Write a poem where you specifically think of the metre of the word. I chose (actually I just tried, don’t know if it really worked) Iambic pentameter.


Tomoki Hayasaka

Tomoki Hayasaka

I was a lonely child
a little lost
the place was alien to me
and so were you all
In the strange place
All I wanted was a loving soul
all I got was a devil in disguise
You held me up
twisted me like a rag-doll
“It is our way of friendship”, you said
and gullible, I was, I believed
Hoped this would end soon.
Only making worse the next day.
I let you ruin me
I let you destroy me
physically, mentally,
emotionally, financially
those scars, I hid with a smile
trying to gain your attention.

I was under a shadow
the big boys befriending me
Not knowing you were never my friend.
I was scared of you presence
your names gave me the chills
in my dreams, your hands grasped me
you held me in your arms
and slowly a devil would emerge
not letting me go.
You just wanted to win
you wanted to win over me.
And I did what I should not have done
I let you win.

PHOTO PROMPT GIVEN BY: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie

Bullying has always been a major concern in this world. I have never bullied anybody and fortunately neither have I been bullied. But I have seen people suffer with it. It is despicable how young children are bullied and the worst part is that they are too scared to seek help. So, spread the message ‘Say No To Bullying’.


Crystal Constellation by Pandacv721 @deviantART

Crystal Constellation by Pandacv721 @deviantART

Look at the stars as they shine

so bright, illuminating

the path for everyone

who wanders in the dark.

Look at the stars so bright

twinkling with elation.

Such randoms stars

when together,

teaming up to form the home

a home called constellations.

And look at the constellations

artistically arranged

to let you bring

out the creativity in you.

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award



I am quite late in thanking Risty at createthissimple for honoring me with this award. She is a really nice and sweet and a great friend in my blogging world. She does some beautiful photography which you do not want to miss.


The rules are simple : just give the award to all the people you wish to (at least 14); mention the person who gave it to you and  don’t forget to include a picture of the Award! Thank you.















Thank you so much guys. You truly are wonderful 🙂




Andrey Bobir

Andrey Bobir

The child holds in hands

a lotus

fragile, yet powerful

an eclectic beauty

like a divine soul.

It has its songs to sing

some thing left unsaid

some things unheard

ready to reach the human ear

ready to give a take on life

a spiritual awakening

a divine interpretation.

The eight petals blossom

with contentment

blossoming deep in mud.


Deep in the mud

among the stench

it rises and blooms

spreading its aroma.

Now this song

it needs to be heard

the flower calls out my name

beckon me to give away the pain

fall under the charm of God

lose the ego

let go of the demons.

Welcome them all

with a smile wide open

for beauty lies in

the purest of souls.

Poetry Prompt given by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Photo Challenge #9

I am not a spiritual person. But I do respect others’ beliefs. When I looked up about the significance of a Lotus flower, it  represents clarity of heart and mind. A lotus flower is a symbol of purity which rises unsullied through muddy water. It is also one of the Eight Buddhist symbols of good fortune.




Born of Frustration by MyLifeThroughTheLens @deviantART

Born of Frustration by MyLifeThroughTheLens @deviantART

Monday morning blues
morning with such dark hues
nothing is going to go right
need to pay my previous dues.

There had to be a fight
she said a child, I am not bright
These words, to me, were offensive
of course nobody understands my plight.

I was defensive
maybe a bit hypertensive
but they are not in my situation
yes, I am a bit too apprehensive.

My being, considered a selfish notion
a waterfall of repressed emotions
I wonder if this will ever end
to my frustrations, no cessation.

Prompt given by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Prompt 56 ‘Indescribable Frustration’


Bastet's Shadorma Photo Prompt

Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt

Stairs may take
anywhere you want
all that matters is to where
do you want to go.

Do you want
reaching topmost point
to heaven
tasting victory above
looking down at them.

Or do you
want purgatory
straight to hell
sinking low
trying getting up, only
tasting the bottom.

Stairs of life
they only go up
you decide
what you seek
there might be paradise’ light
or grim hell, darkness.

Prompt given by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt #8



Martin Stranka

Martin Stranka


She is free falling
dreaming of utopia
not far from here
a place so dear

This time
she is free falling
for the first time
the grass beneath
with be there
to hold her.

She will not fall
with a thud
going with the flow
gravity pull her.

Among the sun-kissed flora
under the vast sky
there will be
a safe haven
she is falling freely
this time
for the first time.

Photo prompt given by Magpie Tales



Chiara Fersinis

Chiara Fersinis

The soldier shot in the heart

counts his last seconds of life

Speaks of only one thing

Of her,

sitting at home,

His wife.

With hands on his heart

He calls her name

to see her once

Just one last time

To tell her how much

She was loved by him

although to love

there wasn’t much time.


But as he counts

his last breaths

she is at home

reminiscing the moments

painting the strokes life

Counting every minute

waiting for him to return.

Slips into a red dress

his only present

Gracefully she paints him

onto the canvas

out of her memory

little did she know

this is all he is now

A memory

from the point of no return


A memory of the past

of his sacrifices

Of the birthday flowers

of the pretty red dress

of the roses on her back.

Photo Prompt given by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie photo challenge #8


Surreal by Xfact @deviantART

Surreal by Xfact @deviantART

With the shadow that walked with her,

she knew,

she was not home alone tonight

The sixth sense was working

It was true

Dinner was not a lonely time.


The light behind the shadowed wall

From the half moon with a full glare.

There were shadows

Bent around the corner

In the dark with a little light.


The moon

Beaming in from the window

an evil frown

She would never be alone

Because there were shadows which followed,

shadows to give company.


And this was different

these shadow, unlike the others,

not her own.

Unwanted silhouettes

cold, lifeless,

transparent yet opaque


Prompt given by Mindllovemisery’s Menagerie Prompt 55 “Slowly Dawning Horror”