Surreal by Xfact @deviantART

Surreal by Xfact @deviantART

With the shadow that walked with her,

she knew,

she was not home alone tonight

The sixth sense was working

It was true

Dinner was not a lonely time.


The light behind the shadowed wall

From the half moon with a full glare.

There were shadows

Bent around the corner

In the dark with a little light.


The moon

Beaming in from the window

an evil frown

She would never be alone

Because there were shadows which followed,

shadows to give company.


And this was different

these shadow, unlike the others,

not her own.

Unwanted silhouettes

cold, lifeless,

transparent yet opaque


Prompt given by Mindllovemisery’s Menagerie Prompt 55 “Slowly Dawning Horror”