HOURGLASS: Going Obsolete

Hourglass by Emilie leger @deviantART

Hourglass by Emilie leger @deviantART

Gone are the days of the hourglass
when one little thing kept track of time
no seconds, no minutes, no hands
just pure, earthly sand.

Gone are the days of people
people who can’t read or write
like my grandmother, who for time
hourglass on which she would rely

Yet, at times are the days of a chess game
where time is told without a whine
no distracting ticks, no alarming alarms
only silently playing it’s charm.

Now my mini-hourglass
does sit on my bedside table
but it’s lost the race with modernity
as I look above at my wall clock.



Of all the technologies that have gone extinct, which one do you miss the most?

4 thoughts on “HOURGLASS: Going Obsolete

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Going Obsolete – Why not? | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Pingback: DAILY PROMPT: Going Obsolete | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

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