It’s been almost 2 months on WordPress.500 likes, 125 followers, and my 51st post 🙂 You might think I am crazy but I like to keep score 😛 Now I think it’s time you know the real me. So, my name is Abhilasha. I am from India as you already know. ‘Abhilasha’ is a hindu name which mean wish\hope\desire. And as the name suggests, I have a lot of wishes! But I believe having some little wishes is what keeps a person going on in life.

When I first started this blog I had no idea it was going to be about poetry. I suck at writing fiction and I only wanted this blog as a stress buster.I would only write about loneliness, and silence and everything but you guys taught me that there is stuff beyond that. And I realised if there is anything related to writing I can do, is writing poems.

I have tried to expand my horizon, when it comes to poetry, I learned many new writing styles: Shadorma, haiku, tanka, elfje, sonnet, triversen, shayari etc.

I took part in the national poetry month. This was such an overwhelming experience. Because yes, I made it. 3o days, 30 poems 😀

I have enjoyed this journey, no matter how short it’s been but it gave me the confidence and it gave me the chance to explore ‘me’. Now I know that yeah, I can do a little poetry.


Not a beachside view, but the only picture I had of a perfect sunrise.

Not a beachside view, but the only picture I had of a perfect sunrise.

A tangerine hue
red ball hanging in the sky
pelicans flying.

Never having gone to see the waters, the only perfect morning I can dream of is opening my eyes to the sunrise above the ocean and catching every moment as it happens. Sitting on the beach collecting seashells off the shore, I would watch the sun rise from the sea as I sit on the cool sand. With a reddish hue in the sky and a pink glow on my cheeks, I would watch it with my eyes wide open till I can’t anymore.

Sunrise at the beach
arms wide open to embrace
morning I dream of.

Prompt Given by: We drink Because We’re Poets

I want you to write an ode to Mornings. The best one you ever had, the ideal one you dream off, anything goes.

Also the ‘Haibun’ is inspired from their story prompt by We Drink Because we’re poets and Blog it or Lose it.