Freedom is all I aspire
my quest for freedom,
it keeps me inspired
for it I respire.

The insect on the window pane
seems more free than, my soul
trapped between the webs
anxious for the spider
to come crawling
ready to take a leap.

Aren’t we all in need
to be independent
not coexistant
not insinuated for our desires
for we can’t catch the butterfly
of our wants
flying away into the skies.

The chains that bind me
the fire that cries in me
the hounds that define me
setting them loose is what I want.

For once in my life
let me go berzerk
let me live my life
without the conditional astrix
Let me do what I want
not what I need to
Let me live my way
with freedom.

[NaPoWriMo 2014 poem 20]

2 thoughts on “FREEDOM.

    • Yeah….and it’s kind of my situatiom right now……stuck between the school-college transition phase……but thanks for reading. 🙂

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