She still sits at window
Waiting for the storm to pass
She wishes the  raindrops
To wash away her tears
She yearns to break the chains
Suffocating her everyday
His words coming at her
Strangling her
Her smile fades away
She is wrecked inside
A flightless bird
Languished by the ordeals
Day by day
She yearns for a life
Longs for freedom
Desires to soar
High in the sky
But continues to be subservient
Confined by the walls
She built herself
Not taking control then,
Loosing control now,
The birds beckon her
To break away
A place with a rainbow
To see colours of life
To strive to clasp what’s hers

But in vain
Her hands are still tied
Her spirits still broke
She will remain so
Fragile, frail, fearful


I remember this place

Does it remember me too?

The attic where I used to hide

The place where I grew.


My one-eyed-doll of straw

the puppet lying in the corner

my blunt toy shear in the bassinet

still not feeling any sharper.


The place has the unheard whisper

of the days I was a little child

Not minding the tainted effluvium

Recanting every word mum said.


When a rope took me to the corners

though anomalous may it seem, those ways

it needs a suture, my heart

Still suspended in those aerial days.


P.S. Tried the poetry prompts for the first time by http://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/wordle-1/


At the stretch of the day
The sun smiling between the clouds
In the sand I stand
As the sea washes my feet
and makes me calm
all the sorrows, pains, suffering
just went away with the water
into the deep ocean, never to be seen again.
Near the sea I stand
watch the sun come up
as it shines above my head
reminds my of the life ahead
and the future beckons with open arms.
A new world waiting to be explored.
There is the golden sand,
under the azure sky
into the vast ocean.



With long threads hanging from the ceiling
twitch with a sudden shift of wind
and the metal tied to the thread
moves along with it.
Chatter, clatter, tinkle and rhyme,
this is the tale of the wind chime.
They swirl, entangle, and fight
yet the melody is divine.
If perfectly still I stand
thinking about life,
They hover close
and whisper to me some secrets,
lesser known, but worthwhile.



It just made my day. Thank you so much naptimethoughts http://naptimethoughts.com/ for nominating me for the award and thank you for considering me worthy of it.  I feel like I am on cloud nine!

For those of you don’t know what this award means:

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

For this Leibster:

1. Please thank and link back to the persons’ blog who nominated you for this award in your gracious acceptance speech.
2. Please answer the questions I have written especially for you.
3. Nominate some folks of your own. Pick a number, any number of bloggers you feel are deserving of the award. Especially new bloggers, or bloggers who just didn’t get this one yet. Take the time to check out their pages and be considerate.
4. Make up some questions for them to answer and feel free to be creative.
5. Notify your winners, and click post. Voila!


For this award we’ll make the theme:
“Which of your followers would? (And why?)”
Please provide a link to the page of whichever follower serves as your answer. Have fun!

1. If something horrible happened to you, and you lay bleeding on the side of the road, which of your followers would:use their hands, feet and face to staunch the bleeding?

http://cupitonians.wordpress.com/  She is awesome! She always reads my posts. 🙂

2. step gingerly over the pools of your blood and stand by your side while the paramedics came?

http://kayseydee.wordpress.com/ totally random but I think he is a good guy.

3. run to your aid while writing a post on what’s happening at the same time?

http://hopeharbourforthesoul.wordpress.com/  because she writes inspired on everyday incidents

4. reach into their mom purse and have everything she needed to treat your injuries on the spot?

http://journey2medblog.wordpress.com/ because she is a doctor!


1.  http://keshuvko.wordpress.com/

2. http://journey2medblog.wordpress.com/

3. http://megansure.wordpress.com/

4.  http://tramblingpoetry.wordpress.com/

5. http://kayseydee.wordpress.com/

6. http://samanthaspontaneous.wordpress.com/

7. http://elephantunderthebus.wordpress.com/

8. http://yourfriend325.wordpress.com/

9. http://hopeharbourforthesoul.wordpress.com/

10. http://prasannakcreations.wordpress.com/

11. http://heyydm.wordpress.com/

{If I have nominated someone who has more than 200 followers,  accept the fact that you are awesome :)}


  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is something this year that you are really looking forward to?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do to unwind? (except blogging)
  4. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
  5. What is your favorite post you’ve read?
  6. One thing you are seriously horrible at?
  7. Paste one of your favorite picture (it doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be people).
  8. Something you just can’t eat.
  9. Your favorite book.
  10. Your favorite music artist and a favorite song.
  11. Cats or dogs?

Enjoy the award. And do tell me when you have answered the questions.


Sometimes it just happens,
You really don’t wanna do anything,
The morning sun doesn’t please you,
Rain doesn’t make you wanna sing.
You stay all depressed & sad,
Talking to yourself.
Looking around for somebody.
But there’s no one who would help.
The moon looks so lonely
Among the million stars
The thought of happiness
Seems to be real far
We don’t have a word
For opposite of loneliness,
But if it were
With it should we be blessed.


I ask her
Why do you stay at one place
When you have
No limit
The sky.
To the bird
I say
Who sits at my window
All day
Singing to herself,
Not afraid,
Of my eyes.
Only by my touch.
As I open
The window
And stretch out my arm
It flies away
Out of reach
But comes back
The day next.

And so I listen
From only a distance
For there must be
A reason
She chose to stay
And I, to fly…..



Red, the bright dynamic one
reminds me of my first bruise
I fell off the swing and blood flowed
red as it was.

red, as the Santa outfit
daddy wore on christmas
I was crying, it cheered me up
Red as it was.

Red, as the pepper put extra,
In the soup made to say sorry
only making the matters worse
red as it was.

Red as the red-hot iron
took months to heal, the burn,
and red as my skin went
red as it was.

Red as my quilt
I always had as a child
When mom threw it away, my face,
red as it was.

red as the cover
of my favourite novel
which still makes me cry
red as it was.

Red as the stain
on newly bought curtains
and red as mum’s face, furious,
red as it was.

Red as the first smiley
I got as a kid
and red as the teacher’s pen
red as it was.

Red as the roses
on my birthday from a stranger
Red, the bright dynamic one
red as it is.


We’ve dreams in our hearts
We’ve hopes in our eyes
We believe a single truth
Is worth a thousand lies

We don’t exercise power
For the sake of authority
We know everybody’s got
Its own priority

We know we make mistakes
We have learnt to apologise
We are who we are
We don’t live in a world of disguise

We don’t like to judge you
We don’t form opinions
We’ll fight for what is right
We are together, we’re a union.

We hate enmity
We love from the heart
Every new day
For us is a new start

Yes we’ve got
some sick obsessions
We don’t point out faults
Which is your passion.

You are no perfect
You’re messed up too
You remarks ’bout us
Seem like taboo

We refuse to grow up
If it’s you we’ll turn out to be
We are who we are
You will always be you
We  always want be We.






It all started one fine day when a pigeon decided to build a nest on my bathroom window sill. (definitely an erotic pigeon to choose a bathroom window, right?) When it build it’s nest, it would sit there all day and made those loud noises. It was sweet in the start for everyone in my family. But as the time passed, those sweet noises turned in loud, boisterous groans. My Granny would yell at them the whole time. At times it seemed like a competition about who could be louder. But the pigeon did not budge. It kept sitting there, looking fat as hell, making the same noises as ever, and not going anywhere.
But as the time passes I started to like his sound. You might call me a crazy person but I even started taking to him. But his only reply was a cold look. Yes, his eyes just seemed to stare at me all the time. But I didn’t mind. It was like since he couldn’t speak, maybe it’s eyes had it all.
One fine day I thought that he must be really hungry. It was too sunny outside and I thought, “Why not provide him with some food?”
So I decided to do it. It tried to open the window. As it heard a noise, he twitch. I thought he must be really excited. (Yes, go on, you can call me stupid for being nice.) Then I opened the window, stretched my arm to put some food and far off he flied. Well this was not it. The more depressing thing was what happened after.
When he flew off. I saw in the nest was an egg. (Gosh! How could I have not known). Yes, it was incubating. that’s the reason it wasn’t going anywhere all this while.
I was filled with such guilt and regret. And now it’s been 3 days. the food that I put out for them is still there. Not even touched by the pigeon. I feel terrible for doing that. I was basically interfering in their live! But yes, I learned a lesson, never to trouble the animals. They have their own thing going on you have no knowledge about……



How do you kill a person? It’s simple right?
A bullet straight through the heart, strangling the neck or the very own, very original rat poison(typically indian, right?).
But there’s one more to add to that. Something never mentioned in “1000 ways to kill someone”. Just say him some bitter words. You won’t even realize, but what you say might just have killed someone.

WORDS…..they are more powerful that you might ever imagine. They have the power to destroy a relation, to destroy a person, to destroy a life.

And the biggest risk that lies,
“Once they are out, you can never have them back.”

On someone’s blog I read a poem which had a line 
“Try pulling the keys up to type and see how much more carefully we choose what we say.”

They say,

“The one who hides his sorrow becomes a comedian. The one who doesn’t, become a poet.”

All of us here are using words to express emotion. So we all know how much words mean and how we must wisely use them.

Well, you might think all of a sudden how philosophical I’ve become! Well I am always like this. But this time, just a a big fight with my parents. And they said some pretty bad things which I didn’t like. They always end up saying something which hurts me pretty bad. But I didn’t reply back with offensive words. Yes, even the words not using the F-word can be pretty offensive sometimes. What I did was to just stay calm and I took the back exit.


When I am really upset or angry at someone, I tend to stay quiet. I dismiss the argument as soon as possible. Of course I do that only for people who matter (I am no saint, just in the making.) Things start goings in my head of all the possible stuff I could have and should have said and all the possible incidents I could have quoted. But at the moment thankfully, it is just in my head. Later on, when I am calm enough to decide what to say, I realize how cruel those words were and how awful I was going to make the other person feel. And then I am really glad I didn’t do it. 
Of course I am not the best person when it comes to confrontations but at least I am a great person to avoid getting in a fight. And to not make the other person feel even more bad, just because he doesn’t know that how much more pathetic his words were.


“We need words to express
But only if chosen wisely
can they be able to impress
else if not said nicely
will make the listener depress”




Walking through the forest,
I realised I was lost
I saw the sunlight filter the trees
On the grass I could see the frost

I could feel the zephyr,
Shuddering the leaves
I could feel the breeze pass though me
A rapt expression on my face
I stretched my arms for it to embrace.

Feeling tired I slept
On the soft grass covered with dew
As exotic as I felt
It was ecstatic, it was new

The morning sun shone brightly over my face
I was happy there, it was a disgrace
Hadn’t slept this long all my life
Between my head and heart, there was strife.

Hadn’t felt like this all this while
So quite, there was peaceful serenity
The smile on my face could tell it all
Finally I had some clarity

Nothing could scare me anymore
There were numerous paths to explore
I was lost but didn’t feel dreary
I say I was lost, but was I really?


So this is the poem I wrote on women’s day.


7th march Women’s Day

She weeps when nobody’s around
fakes a smile to hide away the pain
at night she locks the room inside
to lock out the demons inhumane

With every drop falling from her eyes
a fire in her like setting loose, a hound
But her eyes still search the way out
as blood gushing out from a fresh wound

Now she’s decided to pop the bubble
a woman tough to handle the pain
the monsters were not outside the room
they were in her heart, slowly taking shape

on broken pieces of shame and regret
He now walks, scared for his life
she is out there of whom he thought so less
She has come to win the strife.

now indestructible, ready to make a mess
A hostile fire, she’s come to burn
Don’t undermine her, she’ll make you cry
She is going to take over the world.


How is it. Your opinions are always welcome 🙂



I remain quiet

Listening to everyone

Speaking nothing


They say it works

just give it a chance

but going that way

I fall in a trance.

I have tried silence

it is very much tested

now I need words to express

for I know the sadness it will address.

Silent i have been in all situations,

silence i have kept.

Thinking it would end all sorrows,

it gave me tears as I wept.

Words fighting inside my head,

I need to take them out.

I cease to remain the way I am,

being a total lout.


for me it is not a mere word,

it’s the end of all actions

getting in my way, opposite reactions

bringing sorrow, despair, conflicting emotions,

Saying Silence is ‘golden’

Is a misconception.

This is like my one of the best poem so far. Yeah! that true, this is the best I can write. Come on , if you like it then LIKE it 🙂